Milk And Cheese Processing Videos
In these 360 degree Virtual Food Tours, you’ll learn about how milk travels from a Canadian family dairy farm to processing facilities where it is turned into milk and cheese for your family’s table.
Quick Canadian dairy processing facts
- Milk is picked up at Canadian dairy farms every two days and taken to a processing plant where it is pasteurized and packaged as milk or processed into cheese, yogurt, sour cream or any of the other dairy products consumed in Canada.
- It only takes 2-3 days for milk to get from the farm to the processing plant to the grocery store.
- In these 360 tours, you’ll see how milk is processed and how mozzarella cheese is made.

FarmFood360° Virtual Food Tour: Cheese Processing
In this 360 Virtual Food tour, you’ll learn how milk travels from a Canadian family dairy farm to a processing facility where it is made into cheese for your family’s table

Cheese Processing: The Story of Canadian Cheese

Careers for the Future: Milk and Cheese Processing
You may never have thought about the many careers available in the fields of milk and cheese processing. In this video, you'll meet Veronika and David. They are proud of their work to produce safe, high quality, Canadian milk and cheese products.

Food Safety: Milk and Cheese Processing
Because milk is a highly perishable product, it needs to get from the dairy family farm to the customer as quickly as possible. Learn of the steps that are taken at milk and cheese processing facilities to ensure food safety and quality.

FARMFOOD360° Virtual Food Tour: Milk Processing
In this 360° Virtual Food Tour, you'll learn how milk travels from a Canadian family dairy farm to a processing facility where it made ready for your family's table.

Milk Processing: The Story of Canadian Milk
In this video, you'll find out how milk is processed - from the time it leaves a Canadian family dairy farm to the time it reaches your table.

Careers for the Future: Milk and Cheese Processing
You may never have thought about the many careers available in the fields of milk and cheese processing. In this video, you'll meet Veronika and David. They are proud of their work to produce safe, high quality, Canadian milk and cheese products.

Food Safety: Milk and Cheese Processing
Because milk is a highly perishable product, it needs to get from the dairy family farm to the customer as quickly as possible. Learn of the steps that are taken at milk and cheese processing facilities to ensure food safety and quality.